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CA-AA. Office of the Mayor

 Record Group
Identifier: CA-AA
Collections created by departments, boards, commissions, and other organizations under the Office of the Mayor.

Found in 34 Collections and/or Records:

Boards and Commissions records

Identifier: CA-AA-Boards
Scope and Contents The records were created by the Office of the Mayor and include files pertaining to the appointment of members to and the general business of various boards and commissions, committees and task forces; individual files may include formal letters of appointment and responses from appointees; Council motions approving appointments; occasionally minutes of meetings; correspondence regarding potential appointees; and sometimes resumes of potential appointees. The records span the...
Dates: 1958-1970
Found in: City Archives

Casino Tax Advisory Committee records

Identifier: CA-AA-Casino
Scope and Contents

The records include minutes of the Committee's meetings, videocassette recordings of those meetings, correspondence, reports, and other documentation of the casino tax issue. The Final Report and Recommendations of the Committee, dated December 8, 2000,is filed in the City Documents Collection under call number AA202 2000ct.

Dates: 2000
Found in: City Archives

Chief Administrative Office records

Identifier: CA-CAO
Scope and Contents

The Chief Administrative Office records contain six series of records from 1950 to 2000, including subject files, capital project files, economic statistics for the city, records of the Federal Program Division, office Scrapbooks, and public relations photographs.

Dates: 1955-2001
Found in: City Archives

City Demonstration Agency records

Identifier: CA-AQD
Scope and Contents

The collection contains contracts, project reports and analyses, internal memos, meeting minutes, financial statements, and departamental reports organized by type of administrative file.

Dates: 1969-1975
Found in: City Archives

Community Improvement Agency records

Identifier: CA-AQG
Scope and Contents

This collection contains planning and project records, reports, meeting minutes, program records, and office files.

Dates: 1969-1976
Found in: City Archives

Division of Intergovernmental Relations

Identifier: CA-AA-Intergov
Scope and Contents

This collection contains correspondence, reports, copies of council resolutions and other city documents, information sheets, resumes, and inter office memos.

Dates: 1985-1997
Found in: City Archives

Human Relations Committee

Identifier: CA-ABN
Scope and Contents The records are General Office Files (1967-1979) consisting of correspondence, minutes, election records, project files, and miscellaneous materials. Included are the records of the Interim Committee which designed the Human Relations Committee ordinance and oversaw its implementation.Additional materials filed in the City Documents collection include: Annual Reports, 1968-1972 (AAHC200) Specialized Reports, 1970-1971(ABN202), on subjects including voter...
Dates: 1967-1979
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Andrew McShane records

Identifier: CA-AA-McShane
Scope and Contents The McShane papers are primarily correspondence, with a small amount of additional miscellaneous materials, proclamations, speeches, and a report from the Orleans Parish Demonstration Agent. Some of the major subjects represented in the McShane papers are: early plans for an auditorium in the city; an American Legion convention; opposition to local activities in connection with the National Beauty Pagaent in Atlantic City, NJ; the extension of Dauphine Street through the Jackson Barracks...
Dates: 1920-1925
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Arthur J. O'Keefe records

Identifier: CA-AA-OKeefe
Scope and Contents Much of the material is "ceremonial" (i.e., letters of introduction/greetings, letters of appointment, etc.) but there are documents of more significance, especially in the files for city of New Orleans government agencies. The New Orleans Police Department files include scattered reports on investigations of houses of prostitution, fortune-telling, and other "nuisances" of the day. The Orleans Levee District, Board of Commissioners files include details of the Board's purchase of land for...
Dates: 1926-1929
Found in: City Archives

Mayor C. Ray Nagin records

Identifier: CA-AA-Nagin
Scope and Contents The Mayor C. Ray Nagin records contain two series: Office of Administration and the Office of Communications. These records include subject files, staff records, planning materials, correspondence, and other records produced by these offices under Mayor Nagin and CAO Brenda Hatfield. The Office of Administration records include physical materials that can be requested and viewed in the City Archives & Special Collections reading room. The Office of Communications transferred...
Dates: 2002-2010
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Charles Waterman

 Collection — Box Incoming Correspondence
Identifier: CA-AA-Waterman
Scope and Contents

Letters, 1858, relative to the suicide of Laura Williams and the subsequent effort of her sister to obtain her property through W.J.A. Fuller, a New York attorney. Included is a letter from Fuller enclosing a letter from Laura Williams to her sister Emma and letters from individuals attesting to fuller's identity (one is from Daniel F. Tiemann, Mayor of New York, and another from attorney and author, A. Oakey Hall). Click the image to view the full collection.

Dates: 1858
Found in: City Archives

Mayor deLesseps S. Morrison records

Identifier: CA-AA-Morrison
Scope and Contents The records, for the most part, represent subject/correspondence files from the second half of the Morrison administration. A small series of miscellaneous subject files covers his entire term of office, and a smaller series comprises the records of Morrison's Public Relations Office for 1960 only. Reading files from the first half of Morrison's administration were retained, as were press releases.The records of the first half of the Morrison administration are housed at ...
Dates: 1946-1961; Majority of material found within 1956-1961
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Ernest N. Morial records

Identifier: CA-AA-Morial.E
Scope and Contents Ernest Morial mayor's office records begin in 1977, the year before he took office, and run until he left office in 1986. He organized his office into four sub-units: the Executive Office, Intergovernmental Relations, Planning and Development, and Human Resources (in addition, the Mayor was advised by an Executive Counsel and was assisted in operating city government by his Chief Administrative Officer--unfortunately though, no records from either of these aides has yet been accessioned by...
Dates: 1977-1986
Found in: City Archives

Mayor James Pitot papers

 Collection — Box Incoming Correspondence
Identifier: CA-AA-Pitot
Scope and Contents

This collection contains four letters, written in French, with translations. Click the image to view digital collection.

  • Two letters from Carlos Trudeau addressed to Mr. Petit, Assistant Mayor, relating to surveys of Poydras St., 1804
  • Letter from Carlos Trudeau to the Mayor discussing a plan of the Faubourg Ste. Marie, 1804
  • Letter from Carlos Trudeau to the Mayor dealing with a plan for levees in the city, 1804

Dates: 1804
Found in: City Archives

Mayor John Fitzpatrick records

Identifier: CA-AA-Fitzpatrick
Scope and Contents The records are "fragments" that have survived in the City Archives. Most of the records are in the form of incoming letters to the mayor. In some cases related materials are fastened together. The arrangement in alphabetical by name of correspondent (corporate or individual). Where only one or two items exist for a given correspondent, those items are filed in alphabetical miscellaneous folders. Much of the material is "ceremonial" (i.e., letters of introduction/greetings, letters of...
Dates: 1892-1896
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Joseph A. Shakespeare papers

 Collection — Box Incoming Correspondence
Identifier: CA-AA-Shakespeare
Scope and Contents

Letter, dated April 2, 1889, from Henry C. Miller, attorney for the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, urging that he be made an assistant City Attorney. Attached is a copy of a resolution of the City Council effecting this request. Click image to view full letter.

Dates: 1889
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Louis A. Wiltz

 Collection — Box Incoming Correspondence
Identifier: CA-AA-Wiltz
Scope and Contents

Routine reply from the City Attorney's Office, September 7, 1874, signed by H.H. Walsh, probably an assistant attorney in the office. Click image to view full letter.

Dates: 1874
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Marc H. Morial records

Identifier: CA-AA-Morial.M
Scope and Contents

The City Archives received approximately 700 cu. ft. of records during the last days of the Marc H. Morial administration. Included were records of the various divisions within the Mayor's Office along with records of the Chief Administrative Office and records of the Finance, Health, Property Management, Police, and Parkways Departments. Records for agencies outside of the Mayor's Office are described separately.

Dates: 1993-2002
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Martin Behrman records

Identifier: CA-AA-Behrman
Scope and Contents As in all of the pre-1936 Mayor's papers, the Behrman papers have been reconstructed from fragments previously unprocessed or dispersed in subject files kept in the Official Vertical File. The records are arranged alphabetically by name of corporate or individual correspondent. Correspondence marked with clear filing notes is filed according to the subject designated in the note and arranged chronologically therein. Relatively few records have survived from the 16 years of...
Dates: 1904-1929
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Moon Landrieu records

Identifier: CA-AA -Moon.Landrieu
Scope and Contents

The records of the Landrieu administrations are divided between the Loyola University of New Orleans Department of Archives and Special Collections and the City Archives at the New Orleans Public Library. Through a cooperative project, NOPL microfilmed both sets of records. The following is the inventory of the City Archives portion of the Landrieu records.

Dates: 1970-1978
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Paul Capdevielle records

Identifier: CA-AA-Capdevielle
Scope and Contents The records consist primarily of correspondence (arranged alphabetically by correspondent or subject), both incoming and outgoing, with local public officials, citizens, and organizations, as well as with mayors of other American cities and other notables. Among the correspondents are Susan B. Anthony; Senators Donelson Caffery, Murphy J. Foster, and Samuel Douglas McEnery; Congressmen Robert C. Davey and Adolph Meyer; Governor W. W. Heard; Alcee Fortier; and Sophie B. Wright....
Dates: 1900-1904
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Robert S. Maestri records

Identifier: CA-AA-Maestri
Scope and Contents The records consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence in two series (one consisting of manuscript correspondence and the other microfilm copies of correspondence), and scrapbooks of newspaper clippings (also available on microfilm). There may be some duplication between the manuscript and microfilmed correspondence, but for the most part, the originals of the microfilmed series are no longer extant. In general, the correspondence reflects the day-to-day business of municipal...
Dates: 1936-1945
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Sidney J. Barthelemy records

Identifier: CA-AA-Barthelemy
Scope and Contents Under the Barthelemy administration, the Office of the Mayor was divided into three sub-offices (variously called divisions or departments) in addition to the Mayor's Executive Office, each headed by an Executive Assistant to the Mayor: the Office of Economic Development (known for a time as the Office of Urban Development), the Office of Human Resources (or Human Resources Administration), and the Office of Intergovernmental Relations. Records transferred to the City Archives at the end of...
Dates: 1986-1994
Found in: City Archives

Mayor T. Semmes Walmsley records

Identifier: CA-AA-Walmsley
Scope and Contents The records have been reconstructed from "fragments" dispersed in the City Archives. They consist primarily of incoming correspondence to the mayor, arranged alphabetically by name of corporate or individual correspondent. Correspondence marked with clear filing notes has been filed according to the subject designated in the note and arranged chronologically within the subject category. Among the subjects covered most substantially are the strike by workers constructing the Public Belt (Huey...
Dates: 1929-1936
Found in: City Archives

Mayor Victor H. Schiro records

Identifier: CA-AA-Schiro
Scope and Contents

The records include correspondence/subject files from Schiro's tenure as Councilman, as well as his terms as Mayor (the 1961 files contain both mayoral and councilmanic papers). Also included is a series of records from the Mayor's Public Relations Office, 1957-1970 (extending slightly into the tenure of Schiro's successor, Moon Landrieu).

Dates: 1950-1970
Found in: City Archives